E-learning projects
e-courses for masters
I am the coordinator (with E. Fournel until 2022 then G. Fifani) of this project funded by Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Climate Graduate School of IPSL. Seven Master 1 courses of 3 ECTS are being developed to be implemented in a ‘self-pace mode’. Some of the numerical resources are freely available in French (English version coming) on this youtube and canal-u-tv channels of IPSL. The full courses will be available on the Moodle IPSL.
e-CaIPSuL is a project I coordinated with Estelle Fournel. It was funded by Labex IPSL and EUR Climate Graduate School – IPSL (2017-2019) to make similar short videos as the one on oceanography of e-marin’lab (cf. below) to present the main scientific concepts (for bachelor / licence students) of the other themes studied at Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace.
These videos have been finalised in 2019 and are now published with open access on the IPSL video channel on canal-u tv
More specifically you can find
videos on the following themes:
En français : Océan, Climat, Paleoclimat, Atmosphère,
In English: Climate, Paleoclimate, Atmosphere, Ocean
Retrouvez également « e-CaIPSuL, la saga de l’été 2019 » sur Twitter IPSL
I participated to the e-marin’ lab project funded by Sorbonne University in which I coordinated the make-up of 12 short videos as Small Private Online Courses « Introduction to oceanography » for undergraduate students.
These videos are available in French here or there
Since 2019, they are available in English here
Below you’ll find the ones I’ve shot.
Caractéristiques générales de l’Océan (26′ en fr.)
Dans ce diaporama audio vous seront présentées les principales caractéristiques de l’océan: géographie, température, salinité (origine des sels dissous, variations spatiales), densité, stratification (thermoclines permanente et saisonnière, couche de mélange et convection hivernale).
Vers la video: Caractéristiques générales de l’Océan
General characteristics of the ocean (26′ in Eng.)
In this animated audio diaporama the main characteristics of the ocean are presented: geography, temperature, salinity (origin of dissolved salts, spatial variability), density, stratification (permanent and seasonal thermoclines, mixed layer, winter convection).
To the video: General Characteristics of the Ocean
Le Gulf Stream et la circulation superficielle (5′, en fr.)
Cette courte vidéo de type vous présente les principales caractéristiques de la circulation océanique de surface en partant de l’exemple du Gulf Stream et de l’Atlantique nord
Gulf Stream & surface circulation (5′ v. eng.)
This short video will introduce the main characteristics of the ocean’s surface circulation based on the example of the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic
Le couplage physique – biologie dans l’océan (6′ en fr.)
Cette courte vidéo vous explique comment la physique de l’océan impacte la biologie et les écosystèmes marins
Vers la vidéo: Couplage physique – biologie
Bio-physical coupling (6′ v. Eng.)
This short video will explain how ocean’s physics impacts marine biology and ecosystems